Regional Career Expo - 200 employers - Honda Center


We are excited to invite your students to the upcoming OWA Regional Career Expo, which will take place on October 9th at the Honda Center in Anaheim.

This event is a fantastic opportunity for students to connect with over 200 employers from various industries, explore potential career paths, and gain valuable insights into the job market. It’s an ideal setting for students to network, apply for jobs, and learn about what employers look for in today’s workforce.

Please share the flyer with your students and encourage them to attend. The expo is free; students can register in advance to ensure they maximize this opportunity.

Event Details:

The OWA Regional Career Expo is designed to help students transition from education to employment by connecting them directly with employers eager to meet and hire new talent.

Thank you for helping us spread the word and for supporting your student’s career development. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need additional information.

Best regards,
Annette Kelly-Whittle
Regional Organizer
Orange Workforce Alliance



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