Hiring Fair - Huntington Beach Community and Library Services


Parking & Camping Open Positions: Snacks and More! - Sports Camp - Youth Sports - LifeGu ard - Front Desk - Facility Rentals RECREATIION HUNTINGTON BEACH C O M M U N I T Y & L I B R A R Y S E R V I C E S HIRING FAIR Same Day Interviews Application Assistance Inf ormation About Jobs Community services Open Positions: Re c rea tio n Leader - Summer Day Camp - Adventure Playg round join us for : @ Murdy Community Center 7000 Norma Drive, huntington beach Saturday - March 23rd 9:00 Am - 12:00 PM - Water Safety Instructo r Parking Attendant (Journey, 18yrs+) sponsored by: tinyurl.com/4n4vtyys View our available positions at: JOIN OUR TEAM!


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