Civic Influencers - Summer fellowship


The 2024 general elections will be here before you know it and we need to bolster young peoples’ civic power! To do so Civic Influencers ( is hiring for the Summer term of our fellowship program, running June 3rd to August 16th, and would love to bring on students from Coastline College! 


Our program is a remote, self-paced, and flexible opportunity that creates a paid leadership and mentoring opportunity for young people between the ages of 18-29. Fellows create and execute localized campaigns based around the issues they care about, the skills they want to develop, and the time available to them. It is planned and executed under the supervision of their Statewide Organizer and with input from other fellows in their area and nationwide. 


We aim to empower our fellows to be leaders in their community, inspire others involved with civic engagement, and create positive changes in their local area.


If you know of any young people that might be interested in being Civic Influencers for  the upcoming  term, please have them fill out the following application in order to start working in their communities. The program description is also linked for further insight on our programming. Through their hard work, Civic Influencers have the opportunity to make positive change in their communities and earn up to $500.


Application Link (

Program Description (


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